That Moonlit Night

That Moonlit Night

It is 2055. Everything seems peaceful and serene. Morning sunlight, winter wind, falling leaves, and birds chirping - all combine to create a relaxing atmosphere... a setting that soothes the mind of a busy person. But for Alex and Mariana, this tranquil setting only serves to heighten their excitement. And with good reason - today is our 25th wedding anniversary. (I meant mine and Perry's)

Perry is busy in the kitchen preparing a special meal for us as she has done every year on our anniversary. Each year on this day, she serves new and delicious dishes with her magical touch.

Being curious about what Perry is cooking, Alex asks, "What's mom cooking, dad?"

"I don't know, dear. I'm just as excited as you are to find out. But I can guarantee you that whatever she's making, it'll be the best thing we've ever tasted."

Mariana agreed and said with her cute sweet tone, "I love mom's cooking so much."

Just then, Perry walks into the dining room, holding a tray of food. Cold wind blows through the window. Her hair moves with the blow... and... and she looks so beautiful, absolutely cute, and adorable. I can't help but feel an indescribable feeling in my heart. Every day, when I see her, my heart says something, something unknown, something that isn't discoverable, something mysterious, something that couldn't be put into words. Perhaps this feeling is better than all other known feelings. In fact, I don't want to know it because if there was no thrilling feeling like this, there wouldn't be any existence of love, and the incredible thrill of love wouldn't survive.

I still remember our first day, the moment when we met each other for the first time... for the first time we laid eyes on each other. It was such a beautiful memory, maybe the best one that I cherished. But before that, there were stories that led to that moment.

Wanna know our story? Let's begin...

Let's take you back to 2020... A year full of dramatic experiences. At some point, I was exhausted from my life. But that isn't part of our story.

At the inception of the story, I was 15 and she was just 13 then. So little, right? Whatever, that year in July, I heard her name for the first time. "Such a cute name!..." my heart urged without making any sense to me. However, we were still strangers! The first time when I saw her talking, a wave of something went through my heart. It was like a sharp dagger. With its sharpness, it broke through everything. Again that unknown feeling. I started loving her from her first appearance... started to find her everywhere.

Every time I saw her, I wanted to say something...  I wanted to tell her how I felt but I never had the courage. Even though we were in love with each other, we never knew it. I just wished that she also loved me.

Times passed, but still, I didn't have the courage. But one winter night, something special happened... Something very special.

It was a cold moonlit night in December. I was passing through a boring day like every day and was wishing to finish the year as soon as possible. But fate had planned something else.

Going home, I saw Perry on the road going through the same path. Looking at her, I again wondered, "How can a girl be so beautiful!"

I decided to walk with her and tell her everything I felt about her. Well, still it was she who started the conversation. We talked and laughed. When she laughed, she looked as pretty as can be. The stars of the night sky were complimenting her smile. Finally, I mustered up the courage and told her how I felt. To my surprise, she felt the same way. From that moment on, we were inseparable.

We completed our study together. After completing our studies, we got married and started our life together. We had our ups and downs, but through it all, we never lost that special spark that brought us together on that moonlit night.

And now, here we are, 25 years later (Actually 35 years from our first meet), having breakfast at the same table with our children... still in love and still just as excited to be together as we were on that first day. 

I can't imagine my life without her and I'm grateful for every moment we've shared together. I love you, P... Still a long way to go<3

I love you, P...


Written by: Tasnim Ferdous

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