Friction is a necessary nuisance!

Friction is a necessary nuisance!

Friction is a force that works against the projected force. This has been a great problem for humans as we want to be faster every day, but friction restricts us to do so. Friction makes us slow and it will be everywhere only except empty space. But there is no empty space in those places we live in. As a result, we face energy loss and more difficulty to achieve high speeds and efficiency in transportation. Additionally, Friction can cause wear and tear on machinery, leading to increased maintenance and replacement costs. Friction also affects many other aspects of our lives such as sports, where athletes strive to reduce friction to improve performance. So it might seem that friction is a nuisance in our life. But is it really?

Well, it is creating problems. That's right. But without friction, can we do anything? Just think about a world without friction. If there is no friction, we won't be able to hold anything, catch anything or throw anything because we can grip something because of friction. As a result, we would struggle to perform even the most basic tasks. Friction between our feet and the ground allows us to maintain our footing and move around. Without friction, we would be unable to walk or even stand. At the time of driving, friction causes energy loss and many other problems. But without friction, the brakes won't work, making it difficult and dangerous to stop a moving vehicle. Also, we couldn't accelerate our vehicles if there was a lack of friction. In brief, everything we do has been only possible for friction. Therefore, we have to agree we can't even exist without friction, can we?

So, it is clear that friction is necessary. On the other hand, it is a nuisance to us, a barrier to the way of development. We have to maintain this ratio between necessity and nuisance to make our daily life stable. Then, in short, it can be said that "Friction is a necessary nuisance!"

Written by: Tasnim Ferdous

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